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Setting EntityGrip Preferences

Use the EntityGrips command to enable or disable EntityGrips (EGrips), set the size of EGrips, and set the color for specific states of EGrips.

Some EntityGrips are multifunctional. Besides entity stretching or moving, they provide additional modification options. You can enable or disable the ability to select additional options from contextual shortcut menus or by cycling through options.

To set EntityGrip preferences:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the menu, click Tools > Options.
    • On the ribbon, click Manage > Options.
    • Click Application menu > Preferences.
    • Type EntityGrips.
  2. In the Options dialog box, click User Preferences .
  3. Expand Drafting Options > Entity Selection.
  4. Expand EGrips Options to:
    • Enable EntityGrips (EGrips). Displays EGrips for entities in the graphics area.
    • Enable EGrips in Blocks. Displays EGrips for each entity in a Block.
    • Enable EGrip tips. Displays tooltips at EGrips.
    • Enable Multifunctional EGrips. Lets you select additional options from contextual shortcut menus or by cycling through options (see options below).
    • If you selected Enable Multifunctional EGrips, select an option:
      • Ctrl+cycling behavior. Lets you access multiple modification options by repeatedly pressing Ctrl to cycle through the options when you select an EGrip.
      • Hover behavior. Lets you access multiple modification options from a shortcut menu when you hover over an EGrip.
      • Both Hover and Ctrl+cycling behavior. Lets you apply both methods.

      For more information, see Applying Multifunctional EGrips.

    • Set the EGrip display limit. Specifies a maximum number of entities displayed with EGrips at one time. If the number of specified entities exceeds the maximum (32,767), EntityGrips are disabled.
  5. Expand EGrips Colors to determine the color for:
    • Active EGrips: Sets the color of EGrips when you click on an EGrip.
    • Inactive EGrips: Sets the color of EGrips when you add an entity to a selection set with EGrips enabled.
    • Mouseover EGrips: Sets the color of EGrips when the pointer moves over an EGrip.
  6. Expand EGrips Size to set the display size of EntityGrips.
  7. Click OK.


Command: EntityGrips

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