Splitting Entities
Use the Split command to erase part of an entity between two points. Use Split as a construction tool or to create a gap between two parts of an entity to place Text or a symbol. Use the command with Lines, Circles, Arcs, PolyLines, Ellipses, Splines, InfiniteLines, and Rays, but not with RichLines.
To erase part of an entity:
- Click Modify > Split (or type Split).
- In the graphics area, specify an entity.
The point you click is the location where you want to begin the break.
- Specify the second break point to determine the section to delete.
You can instead select the First point option to specify the first point explicitly, in which case you are prompted next for the second point.
The portion between the two points is erased.
To cut off one end of an entity:
- Click Modify > Split (or type Split).
- Click an entity at the point where you want the new end point to be.
- Click the other point past the entity's current end point.
The entity is cut off at the point you clicked on the entity.
To split an entity into two entities:
- Click Modify > Split (or type Split).
- Click an entity at the point where you want to split the entity.
- Enter @ to repeat the initial point.
The entity is split into two pieces without erasing any part of it. This method is useful if you want to split an entity where it intersects another entity.
Note: The Modify toolbar contains an icon
that lets you split an entity at one point into two entities by specifying the single split point.
Command: Split
Menu: Modify > Split