Copying Entities
Use the Copy command to duplicate drawing entities and place a copy of them at a specified location.
The duplicated entities are exact copies of the specified entities including all entity properties such as Layers, LineColors, LineStyles, and LineWeights, as well as the outline of the entities.
Optionally, you can force the copied entities onto the active layer.
Based on one selection, you can create multiple copies. In addition, you can create a specified number of copies in a linear pattern. Two methods are available:
- Create the number of copies at specified displacement, starting with a base point.
- Create the number of copies evenly spaced between two specified points, in the specified direction.
The Pattern command is an effective tool to create multiple copies in a linear or circular pattern.
To copy drawing entities:
- Click Modify > Copy (or type Copy).
- Specify the entities you want to duplicate and press Enter.
- Specify a source base point for the copy.
- or -
Specify the Displacement option and provide the relative location of the copy by specifying the X, Y, and Z displacements, for example, 3, 5, 5. If you want to make the copy in the X and Y directions only, do not specify a Z delta, for example, 3, 5. This option exits the command after you specify the displacement.
- Specify a destination point to displace the copy.
- or -
Specify the Active Layer option to force the entities onto the active layer, then specify the destination point. This setting is preserved during the current application session until you reset it.
- To create multiple copies, specify subsequent destination points.
The copies are placed in the specified positions. If the result of a multiple copy is unexpected, specify the Undo option.
- To finish duplicating entities, press Enter.

You specify a base point (P1 in the diagram) and a destination point (P2) to indicate the distance and direction of the copied entities from the original entity. These points do not have to be selected on the original entity.
To create a specified number of copies in a linear pattern:
- Click Modify > Copy (or type Copy).
- Specify the entities you want to duplicate and press Enter.
- Specify a source base point for the copy.
- Specify the Pattern option.
- Specify the number of copies in the linear pattern.
- Specify the second point. The two points define a displacement vector.
You specify a base point (P1 in the diagram) and a second point (P2) to indicate the distance (d) between the entities within the linear pattern and the direction of the linear pattern. The first entity in the pattern is created at the specified distance (d). Other copies of the specified entity are placed in the direction and with the distance (d) determined by the displacement vector.

- To finish duplicating entities, press Enter.
To create a specified number of copies between two points:
- Click Modify > Copy (or type Copy).
- Specify the entities you want to duplicate and press Enter to complete your selection.
- Specify a source base point for the copy.
- Specify the Pattern option.
- Specify the number of copies in the linear pattern.
- Specify the Fit option.
- Specify the second point. The two points define a displacement vector.
You specify a base point (P1 in the diagram) and a second point (P2) to indicate the distance (d) between the original entity and the last entity of the linear pattern, and the direction of the linear pattern. The entities are evenly spaced between the two specified points.

Command: Copy
Menu: Modify > Copy