The default location for weldment profiles is install_dir\lang\language\weldment profiles.
The sub-folder structure within the weldment profiles folder determines the selections that appear in the Structural Member PropertyManager.
Selections box from the
PropertyManager and the corresponding
Explorer folder and file structure are set up as follows:
- home folder. Contains one or
more standard folders. In the example below,
weldment profiles is the home folder, and contains two standard folders (ansi
inch and iso). In the
PropertyManager, the name of each standard
folder appears as a selection in Standard.
- standard folders. Contain one
or more type folders, for example angle iron, c
channel, pipe, and so on.
In the PropertyManager, after a Standard
is selected, the names of each of its type
sub-folders appear in Type.
- type folders. Contain one or
more library feature parts. In the PropertyManager, after a Type is selected, the names of the library
feature parts appear in Size.
Structural Member PropertyManager and