SOLIDWORKS Manage User Interface Enhancements

The SOLIDWORKS Manage user interface has many improvements that improve usability, including new options and controls, and new locations for existing controls.

  • When you add records to a Reference folder with a single object enabled, the specified object is automatically selected from the list.
  • When you create a new record using New From, the Derived From system field appears and automatically displays the source record’s part number.
  • The Project stage properties page has a link to update third-party fields.
  • The Objects and Fields form, added in 2020 Service Pack 1, has icons for objects and fields.
  • The move command is also available in the main project grid. Previously, it was available only in the project property card.
  • The Capacity planning user selection form has all the custom fields for users. Previously, only system fields were available.
  • The Change owner option in Tasks displays all user fields instead of a simplified list.
  • The Data Sources dialog box is available in the field definition for Data Source type fields. To access this, in the Field Properties dialog box, in the Properties tab, click the ellipsis to select from the Data Source list.
  • The default sort order for new objects is set to Created Date in descending order so the newest records are on top. You can also change the default sort order.
  • In the Administration tool, you can display context-sensitive help from various dialog boxes.
  • The Notification editor has buttons that let you insert dynamic field values. Previously, the dynamic content was only available through the context menu and was not discoverable.
  • You can use a context menu to move records available as deliverables in a project stage.
  • The Preview pane displays the selected files in the Where Used tab. You can visualize parent assembly structures without navigating to the parent record.
  • When you write queries, you can get the ID information about the fields and objects from the Objects and Fields Information dialog box.
  • The field control icons appear on the left side of the field entry box instead of the right side. This improves your view in full screen mode as you do not need to move the cursor away from the field label.