This topic provides you with quick access to the enhancements in SOLIDWORKS Electrical API 2021.
New and changed functionality
Print PDF
- Those classes are used to add and manipulate classification.
- See IEwClassX, IEwClassificationX and IEwClassificationManagerX.
Project Manager dialog.
- Interface to manipulate The Project Manager dialog.
- Allows you to add a way to add tab ribbon in this dialog.
- See IEwDialogProjectManagerX.
Docking Pane Manager.
- Interface to manipulate the docking Pane in SWE.
- Allows you to create custom pane. See IEwDockingPaneX.
Harness Manager.
New interfaces
IEwRibbonControlX Interface.
IEwCableReferenceX Interface.
IEwLibraryX Interface.
IEwManufacturerPartX Interface.
IEwProjectManufacturerPartX Interface.
IEwProjectCableX Interface.
IEwProjectPrintConfigX Interface.
IEwProjectX Interface.
IEwSymbolX Interface.
IEwTitleBlockX Interface.
IEwProjectWireX Interface.
New methods, properties, and delegates
Enumeration EwApplicationSettingsValue Value
- New Application Settings Value : EwApplicationSettingsValue::kOptimizeProjectOpening : 0 to load data at first usage, 1 to load data all at opening.
- See EwApplicationSettingsValue.
Obsoleted interfaces, methods, properties, and delegates
For IEwProjectPrintConfigX interface: WARNING , Now use a new IEwProjectExportPDF interface to print in PDF.