Centerline |
Creates construction geometry. |
Convert Entities |
Creates one or more entities in a 3D sketch by projecting an edge, loop, face, external curve, external sketch contour, set of edges, or set of external curves onto the sketch plane. |
Face Curves |
Extracts 3D iso-parametric curves from faces or surfaces. |
Sketch Fillet |
Rounds the intersections of sketched lines. |
Sketch Chamfer |
Bevels the intersections of sketched lines. |
Intersection Curve |
Creates a sketched curve at intersections. |
Trim Entities |
Trims or extends a sketch entity in a 3D sketch. |
Extend Entities |
Extends a sketch entity in a 3D sketch. |
Construction Geometry |
Converts sketched curves in a 3D sketch to construction geometry. |