Search Commands Example

This example shows how to use Search Commands to find and run the Title Block Table command.

With a part or assembly open, enter block in Search Commands. When you enter blo, the results list displays commands that include the character sequence "blo" and Title Block Table appears near the top of the results list.

If you click Show Command Location for Title Block Table, the pointer and a red arrow indicate the command in the user interface.

If you run Title Block Table from the results list, the command appears at the top of the list the next time you search using blo.

If you assign Title Block Table the search shortcut tbt, the command is the only one found in the results list when you search for tbt.

Because you can activate Search Commands using the W or S key, and the first item in the results list is automatically highlighted, you can run Title Block Table from the keyboard. Press W or S, then enter tbt, then press Enter.