Blind |
Direction reference
Select a plane, planar face, linear edge, or reference axis to specify the direction to move faces or features.
Sets the distance to move the faces or features.
Delta X
Moves the face along the X axis.
Delta Y
Moves the face along the Y axis.
Delta Z
Moves the face along the Z axis.
Up to Vertex |
From Entity
Sets the face, plane, or vertex to move the face from.
To Entity
Sets the vertex to move the face to.
Up to Surface |
From Entity
Sets the face or plane to move the face from.
To Entity
Sets the surface, face, or plane to move the face to.
Offset from Surface |
From Entity
Sets the face or plane to move the face from.
Offset Entity
Sets the offset surface, face, or plane.
Up to Body |
From Entity
Sets the face or plane to move the face from.
To Entity
Sets the surface or surface body to move the face to.