SOLIDWORKS Partner Program
As of SOLIDWORKS 2021, SOLIDWORKS Partners must register their
products with the SOLIDWORKS Partner Program. The SOLIDWORKS Partner Program team, in turn,
provides license keys and a sample add-in that registered SOLIDWORKS Partners
can modify to create their add-ins. The sample add-in:
License keys provide better quality and security and may be extended in the
future to afford SOLIDWORKS Partners special entitlements.
SOLIDWORKS Partners can obtain more information from
the SOLIDWORKS Partner Team by emailing
During the load of the partner's add-in, SOLIDWORKS Desktop or
SOLIDWORKS Connected uses the partner's license key to verify entitlement and
determine how to display the partner's add-in in the Tools > Add-Ins dialog:
Partner Gold Add-ins
Partner Solution Add-ins
Other Add-ins - Unregistered add-ins
For SOLIDWORKS Desktop...
SOLIDWORKS lists the registered partner add-in under
Partner Gold Add-ins or Partner Solution Add-ins according to its verified entitlement. If the
entitlement type in the license key does not match the current registry value,
SOLIDWORKS still lists the add-in according to
the entitlement in the license key. The registry is updated with the
entitlement in the license key.
To see the add-in listed under its proper entitlement, re-open
Tools > Add-Ins.
- or -
SOLIDWORKS lists the add-in under Other Add-ins
The add-in does not send a license key back to
SOLIDWORKS at load time.
The add-in does not implement ISwPEManager.
The license key passed its expiration date.
One or more license key
tokens do not match corresponding values in the registry (add-in
GUID, add-in name, or SOLIDWORKS version).
For SOLIDWORKS Connected...
SOLIDWORKS lists the partner add-in under Partner Gold
Add-ins or Partner Solution Add-ins according to its verified entitlement.
If the entitlement type in the license key does not match the current registry
value, SOLIDWORKS still lists the add-in according to
the entitlement in the license key. The registry is updated with the
entitlement in the license key. To see the add-in listed under its proper
entitlement, re-open Tools > Add-ins.
- or -
SOLIDWORKS lists the add-in under Other Addin-ins
if the add-in does not implement ISwPEManager or the add-in does not send a
license key to SOLIDWORKS. In either case, the SOLIDWORKS Partner may be in
violation of its partner agreement with SOLIDWORKS.
- or -
SOLIDWORKS lists the add-in under Other Add-ins
but does not load it (unchecked) because:
The license key passed its expiration date, or the license key is
not valid for the current release of SOLIDWORKS Connected.
One or more license key
tokens do not match corresponding values in the registry (add-in
GUID, add-in name, or SOLIDWORKS version).