Creating SimpleNotes
You can create Text lines of any position, justification, orientation, height, and TextStyle.
Use the SimpleNote Formatting pop-up toolbar to apply formatting options as you type text.
To create SimpleNotes:
- Click Draw > Text > SimpleNote (or type SimpleNote).
- In the graphics area, specify the start position of the first text line.
- - or -
- Press Enter to continue typing text below the most recently entered text line for a SimpleNote that already exists in the drawing.
- - or -
- Specify the Settings option (see below).
- Specify the text height.
- Specify the text angle.
The text cursor
displays in the graphics area.
- Type a text line.
Use the SimpleNote Formatting pop-up toolbar as needed (see Using the SimpleNote Formatting Pop-up Toolbar).
- Press Enter to type a second line of text. You can enter any number of subsequent lines.
- Press Enter twice to exit the command.
To create SimpleNotes with specified settings:
- Click Draw > Text > SimpleNote (or type SimpleNote).
- Specify the Settings option.
- In the dialog box, under Insertion orientation, set the position and alignment of the text lines related to the insertion point.
- Under Options, set:
- Style: Defines a TextStyle. Click TextStyle
to create a new TextStyle.
- Height: Specifies the text size.
- Angle: Specifies the insertion angle.
- Click OK.
- In the graphics area, specify the start position of the first text line.
The text cursor
displays in the graphics area.
- Type text to add to the drawing.
Use the SimpleNote Formatting pop-up toolbar as needed (see Using the SimpleNote Formatting Pop-up Toolbar).
Note: Use the NoteOptions command to specify whether you want to edit SimpleNotes in place or in a dialog box.
Using the SimpleNote Formatting Pop-up Toolbar
Use the SimpleNote Formatting pop-up toolbar to edit and format SimpleNotes.
Unlike with Notes, formatting options apply to the entire SimpleNote (with exemption of the Copy, Cut, Uppercase, and Lowercase options which format the highlighted text).
To open the SimpleNote Formatting pop-up toolbar:
- When you type a SimpleNote, right-click and click Editor Settings > Show Toolbar.
To format Text using the SimpleNote Formatting pop-up toolbar:
- Specify the options as needed:
- TextStyle
: Specifies a TextStyle.
- Text Height
: Specifies the height of the text lines.
- Text Angle
: Specifies the insertion angle of the text lines.
- LineColor
: Specifies the color of the SimpleNote.
- Insert Field
: Inserts a Field at the cursor position.
- More Options
: From the menu, select an option:
- Find and Replace: Lets you search for text strings and replace text strings.
- Editor Settings: Specify options:
- Always display as WYSIWYG: Controls text display when you edit text.
- When selected, text is displayed with the size and insertion angle as defined.
- When cleared, text that is very small, very large, or rotated and difficult to read is displayed at a legible size and horizontally oriented so you can read it easily.
- Show Toolbar: Shows or hides the SimpleNote Formatting pop-up toolbar.
- Text Highlight color: Specifies the background color when text is selected.
- Undo
: Removes the previous text editing or formatting.
- Redo
: Restores the state prior to issuing Undo.
- Copy
: Copies highlighted text to the clipboard.
- Cut
: Removes the highlighted text and copies the text to the clipboard.
- Paste
: Inserts text from the clipboard.
- Uppercase
: Changes the case of highlighted text to uppercase.
- Lowercase
: Changes the case of highlighted text to lowecase.
- Alignment
: Sets the justification and alignment in relation to the insertion point of the SimpleNote.
- Oblique Angle
: Specifies the slant of the characters in relation to the text baseline.
- Width Factor
: Specifies the enlargement (> 1.0) or reduction (< 1.0) of the text characters width.
- Help
: Displays this help topic.
- OK
: Finishes SimpleNote creation.
Note: Use the NoteOptions command to specify whether you want to edit SimpleNotes in place or in a dialog box.
Command: SimpleNote
Menu: Draw > Text > SimpleNote