Convert Properties - Output File Details

You can use the Output File Details page of the Convert Properties dialog box to set up basic properties for the output file such as the default path and error log folder.

To display this page:

Expand the Tasks node and click Convert. In the left pane, click Output File Details.

Primary output path
Default path

Location where converted files are saved.

Build the output file path by entering static text and clicking to select from the following dynamic variables:

  • Source File Name
  • Source File Extension
  • Configuration Name
  • Source Folder Path
  • Vault Root Folder Path
  • Source File Revision
  • Source File Version
  • Source File Workflow State
  • Today's Date
  • Variables

The example shows the selected file format and path.

Allow the user to change the output path
Secondary output path Second location where converted files are saved.

Build the output file path by entering static text and clicking to select from dynamic variables.

The example shows the currently selected file format and path.

Create a reference from the destination file to the source file When selected, the destination file contains a reference to the source file.

To see the reference, select the output file in SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer and view the Contains tab.

Duplicate File Name Handling
Replace existing files

If a file of the same name already exists, overwrite it.

Create new version of existing files

If a file of the same name already exists, create a new version of the file.

Error log folder Location where error logs are saved.

The default location is \Logs\Convert.

This directory is created automatically in the vault root folder unless you change the location by clicking Browse.

Before running a conversion task, you must ensure that you have a workflow that specifies that .log files can enter the workflow. You can add a condition allowing .log files to enter an existing workflow in the workflow's Properties dialog box, or you can create a workflow specifically for task log files.

A workflow you create for task log files requires only one initial state. All users should have permissions to that initial state.

Advanced Scripting Options Displays the Advanced Scripting Options dialog box, where you can:
  • Modify the VB script that controls the task
  • Change the version of SOLIDWORKS to use
  • Change the user interface type used by the task