Receiving a Distributed Vault View

Users receive automatic notification when you distribute a vault view:
  • When users in the distributed group next log in, a message informs them that a new vault view is available:

    Your system administrator has assigned new vaults for you to attach. Click here to attach them.

    Clicking the message box displays the Select Location screen of the View Setup wizard to let the user save the view.

    Alternatively, users can click the SOLIDWORKS PDM icon in the tray to display an Attach option where the distributed views are available.

  • If the automatic view setup policy used the option Setup Views Silent, users see the following message:

    Your system administrator has attached you to new vaults. Click here to browse.

    Clicking the message box opens the vault view in Explorer.

    For the silent view setup policy to work, the domain user profiles that use the policy must be part of the Attach access (or administrative access) list in the security section of the archive server configuration tool. Otherwise, the view must be manually created using the Attach option.