SOLIDWORKS PDM enhances Rollback to handle reference redirection and rollback more efficiently.
To roll back a file with its references:
- Users must have the Rollback folder permission.
- The selected file and all its parent references must be in checked in state.
- The rollback target version must not be cold stored.
You can roll back a parent file with its child references and files indicated as sub-parents (such as drawing files) to a previous as built state.
When you roll back a child reference (such as a part file), you can redirect the parent references of the rolled back versions to the target version.
After rollback, SOLIDWORKS PDM resets the referenced configurations of the files. If the same configuration is:
- Available in the target version, the references are retained for that configuration.
- Not available in the target version, the references are redirected to the active (last saved) configuration of the target version.
Reference redirection and roll back a file with references functionality is not supported for items.