AutoCAD to SOLIDWORKS Command Map The following topics contain tables that map AutoCAD® toolbar commands to SOLIDWORKS tools and online Help topics. Contents Standard Toolbar SOLIDWORKS® software and AutoCAD® software use many of the same Standard toolbar tools. Some of the tools on AutoCAD software's Standard toolbar are equivalent to tools on the SOLIDWORKS View toolbar. View Toolbar The standard orthogonal views on the SOLIDWORKS® Standard Views toolbar are equivalent to AutoCAD® software's views. Rather than the compass-oriented isometric views, SOLIDWORKS uses Isometric, Trimetric, and Dimetric orientations. Normal To is a view perpendicular to any selected face or plane, equivalent to a plan view. Draw Toolbar Sketch tools such as Line, Rectangle, and so on, on the Sketch toolbar can be used in drawings, but generally are used in part sketches to create features. Most annotations on the Annotation toolbar , such as Notes, can be added in parts or assemblies and then inserted automatically into drawings. Some annotations, such as Center marks, are available only in drawings. Dimension Toolbar Dimensions are applied with the Smart Dimension tool and other dimension tools on the Dimension/Relations toolbar. Dimension Favorites, leaders, arrows, tolerance, text, and so on are available in the Dimension PropertyManagers. Modify Toolbar In addition to specific tools on the Standard toolbar and Sketch toolbar, you can modify entities by dragging them or by editing properties in the entity's PropertyManager. Layers Toolbar Layers in SOLIDWORKS are handled on the Layer toolbar and Line Format toolbar.