Component Filters - Advanced

Use the Component Filters Advanced tab to filter out components using rules-based filters.

To open this tab:

Click the Tools tab, then click Components in the Filter area of the Tools toolbar. From the Component Filters panel, click the Advanced tab.

Filter Components using rules

Select this option to enable advanced filtering.

Include / Exclude

Select Exclude to filter out the component or Include to filter in the component.

Filter Attribute

Select the component attribute on which to filter: Cpt. Name (component name), Part Number, or Ref. Des. (reference designator).

Filter Criteria
Specify the filter criteria. You can use the following wildcards:
? Any single character B?L matches BAL but not BAAL

Zero or more characters

a*a matches aBa and ABBa but not aBab
# Any single digit (0-9) a#a matches a2a but not aba
[charlist] Any single character in charlist A[A-Y]B matches AFB but not AfB or AZB
[!charlist] Any single character not in charlist A[!A-Y]B matches AZB and AfB but not AFB
  • Rules are case-sensitive.
  • You can use multiple wildcards to build complex expressions.
Add rule
Click to add a rule with your selections.
All defined rules are applied to the components in the ECAD data.
Delete rule

Click to delete the selected rule.