Edit Connectors PropertyManager

Use this PropertyManager to define terminals, plugs, seals and miscellaneous accessories to connectors in a route.

To open the Edit Connectors PropertyManager, do one of the following:

  • In an existing electrical route, click Tools > Routing > Electrical > Edit Route > Edit Connectors .
  • Right-click the connector in the graphics area and select Edit Connectors.
  • Or right-click the route assembly in the FeatureManager design tree and select Edit Connectors.

Edit Context

There are two modes to applying connector accessories:

  Global Defines accessories to all connectors in a route.
  Connector Defines accessories to individual pins and connectors in a route.

Connector List

Applies to connector mode. Displays tree view of all connectors in a route.

You can expand or collapse a connector to view its pins by clicking beside the connector name. Click Connector detail to display the wire names, terminals, plugs, seals and miscellaneous data associated with the pins in a BOM style connector table.


Applies to connector mode. Displays data for a specific pin that you selected in the Connector List, such as Name, Terminal ID, and Seal ID.

Also displays attached wires for a selected pin. Click beside the wire name to view related wires.


  Name Displays accessory name. Select one of the following for global mode only:


Click Terminate all wires to apply terminals to all wire connections with a pin number.


Click Auto seal wires to apply seals where terminals are allocated on the pins.


Click Auto Plug Connectors to apply plugs to all connectors having empty pins. This button only applies to connection locations with no wires.


Click Apply All Accessories to define all plugs, seals or miscellaneous accessories to all connector types in route.

  Value Displays value for accessory.
  Assigned Displays the numbers of terminals, plugs, and seals which are already used in a connector.
  Unassigned Displays the number of terminals, plugs, and seals which are not yet used in a connector but want to display in BOM.
The BOM displays the addition of assigned and unassigned values.

Library Properties

Displays library data on the selected accessory. This group box is blank if you selected to apply all accessories.

Additional Properties

Allows you to add specific information in the Name and Value fields for a connector or pin.