Piping and Instrumentation Tab

You can import a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) from a specially formatted .xml file and use that file as a guide in building route assemblies.

To access the Piping and Instrumentation tab:
  1. Create and save a new assembly without closing it, or open an existing assembly.
  2. From the Task Pane, select the Piping and Instrumentation tab.

Import P&ID data

Import Imports a P&ID xml file.
Export Exports the P&ID data as an xml file.

Routes or equipment

Sort by equipment to insert all equipment into the new assembly, and then sort by piping or tubing systems to process each pipe or tube.

Sort by Lists one of the following types of P&ID data:

Piping systems

Lists piping systems for the routing assembly equipment.

Each piping system is listed as a PipelineInfo element in the P&ID .xml file.

Tubing systems

Lists tubing systems for the routing assembly equipment.

Each tubing system is listed as a TubelineInfo element in the P&ID .xml file.


Lists equipment for the routing assembly.

Each equipment piece is listed as an Equipment element in the P&ID .xml file.

Insert All Equipment When sorting by equipment, opens the Insert Component PropertyManager to permit insertion of all selected equipment into the assembly.
Process Pipe When sorting by piping systems, sets up the insertion of a selected pipe and its connectors.
You might have to click Edit Route (Piping toolbar) to insert pipe fittings into a routing assembly.
Process Tube When sorting by tubing systems, sets up the insertion of a selected tube and its connectors.
You might have to click Edit Route (Flexible Tubing toolbar) to insert tube fittings into a routing assembly.
Filter out placed items Displays only pipes, tubes or equipment that are not yet processed.
Search Equipment When sorting by equipment, filters the equipment list by name.
You can enter the the first letter of equipment names to filter by equipment starting with that letter. For example, if some of your listed equipment names start with the letter T, you can enter t. Equipment names that do not begin with the letter T are not listed.
Delete the entered text to display all of the P&ID file equipment.
Search Pipes When sorting by piping systems, filters the piping systems list by name.
You can enter the first letter of a piping system name to filter piping system items by that letter.
Delete the entered text to display all of the P&ID file piping systems.
Search Tubes When sorting by tubing systems, filters the tubing systems list by name.
You can enter the first letter of a tubing system name to filter tubing system items by that letter.
Delete the entered text to display all of the P&ID file tubing systems.


Route information When sorting by piping or tubing systems, lists information about a selected pipe or tube.
Equipment information When sorting by equipment, lists information about a selected piece of equipment.
Connected equipment When sorting by piping or tubing systems, lists equipment connected to the selected pipe or tube.
Required routes When sorting by equipment, lists required pipe or tube components for the selected equipment.
Required fittings Lists required fittings for the selected item.
Insert Connected Equipment When sorting by piping or tubing systems, inserts the equipment with the required routes and fittings.

Other Properties

Refresh Updates the Piping and Instrumentation tab with changes since import.
Report Displays a piping and instrumentation system status report in the P&ID Validation Report dialog box.