Finding, Opening, and Locking a File in MySession

You can find a file on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform using the 3DSearch search box. If you click the tag icon, you can use 6WTags to filter and refine the search results.

When you find the file and open it, you can also lock it to prevent other users from modifying it while you are working on it.

To open and lock models in MySession:

  1. In the search box, enter search terms for the file and press Enter.

    The 3DSearch app opens and displays the results.

  2. To use 6WTags to filter and refine the search results, click the tag icon , and refine the search using the displayed tags.

    For details, see Filtering with 6WTags in Dassault Systèmes User Assistance.

  3. From the search results, select a model, and click the down arrow to select the following choices:
    Option Description
    Preview Lets you preview models in 3DPlay.
    Relations Displays the relations and dependencies of the model using the Relations widget.
    Open Opens models in the graphics area.
    Open With Opens models in the following widgets:
    • 3DMarkup
    • Issue Management
    • Product Explorer
  4. Select Open or drag the model to the graphics area.
  5. In the top bar, click the down arrow to return to MySession.
  6. Right-click the model and select Lock.

For details, see Opening SOLIDWORKS Data in Dassault Systèmes User Assistance. Access to Dassault Systèmes User Assistance requires 3DEXPERIENCE credentials.