Searching for Commands

To search for a command:

  1. If Search Commands is not already active, in the SOLIDWORKS Search list (upper right corner), select Commands.

    To activate Search Commands from the keyboard, press W. You can also assign another keyboard shortcut.

    To search for commands using the shortcut bar, press S. If you do not want the S key associated with Search Commands, click Tools > Customize. In the Customize dialog box, on the Shortcut Bars tab, clear Activate Command Search when the shortcut bar is launched.

    To customize the S key association with the shortcut bar, click Tools > Customize > Keyboard, search for Shortcut Bar, and under Shortcuts, specify a different shortcut key.

  2. Enter a search query.

    As you enter, Search Commands displays a results list that continuously updates. For example, when you enter fit, the results list displays the commands that include that sequence of characters.

  3. Do one or more of the following:
    • To locate a command in the user interface, hover over the command in the results list and click Show Command Location .
    • To run a command, click the command, or highlight the command and press Enter.
      If a command cannot run, it is unavailable in the results list and appears lower in the list. For example, many commands can run only when a document is open.
    • To add a command to a toolbar, drag the command from the results list and drop it on the toolbar.