See SOLIDWORKS API Help: Release Notes for
late-breaking updates.
There is API support for:
- SOLIDWORKS Inspection Add-In
- SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Web
- Belt/chain assembly features
- Structure systems
- Graphics mesh and mesh BREP bodies
The following have been redesigned:
- Sheet metal base flange and corner relief features
- Messages and alerts for add-ins
Other Enhancements
- Replace a sketch entity with construction or contour
- Get all decals applied to a component face in an assembly
- Get and set drawing sheet zone parameters
- Get angular ordinate dimension information from the current
drawing sheet or view
- Restore default values of Hole Wizard hole or slot feature
- Upgrade legacy custom properties
- Create a coordinate system based on position and orientation
relative to the global coordinate system
- Add doubled distance dimensions and toggle between single and
doubled distance dimensions
- Get and set whether to use the properties of the material
applied when creating a new sheet metal feature
- For SOLIDWORKS Connected:
- Add new Physical Products and Representations (configurations) to
- Convert between parent and derived configurations
- Get and set whether a Representation configuration is
- Add and replace assembly components from a 3DEXPERIENCE® collaborative space