Depth and Feature Ownership

Cosmetic thread behavior is modified to improve usability.

This functionality applies to new parts created in SOLIDWORKS 2022 and later. To apply this functionality to legacy parts and upgrade them, right-click the part node in the FeatureManager® design tree and select Upgrade cosmetic thread features.

For part templates created in SOLIDWORKS 2022 and later, you can retain the legacy functionality for Depth and feature ownership. In part templates, before you add cosmetic threads, click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Drafting Standard > Annotations and clear Apply new cosmetic thread behavior to new parts. This option is selected by default for new part templates and cleared for legacy part templates. This option is enabled for new part templates only; it is disabled for part documents.

If you use the Insert > Mirror Part command, the mirrored part inherits the cosmetic thread behavior from the base part. For example, if the base part is created in SOLIDWORKS 2021, the mirrored part inherits the legacy behavior for cosmetic threads from the base part.

SOLIDWORKS measures Depth from the original location of an edge regardless of changes made by downstream features that relocate that edge. In the image above, the original thread depth is 80 from the edge of the cut extrude. If you add a second cut extrude that relocates that edge, the cosmetic thread retains the original thread depth of 80 mm.
Cosmetic threads are owned by the latest feature in the FeatureManager design tree whose face shares the common edge selected for attaching the thread. In the image below, you create the cut extrude, add a chamfer, then add a cosmetic thread from the chamfer edge. In SOLIDWORKS® 2022, the chamfer feature owns the cosmetic thread because its face shares the common edge with the cosmetic thread.