Interface | Description |
IAlignedDimension | Allows access to an aligned linear Dimension. |
IAngularDimension | Allows access to an angular Dimension. |
IApplication | Allows access to all exposed interfaces in the DraftSight API. |
IApplicationOptions | Allows access to DraftSight application options. |
IArcAlignedText | Allows access to curved text. |
IArcLengthDimension | Allows access to an arc length Dimension. |
IAttributeDefinition | Allows access to a BlockAttribute definition. |
IAttributeInstance | Allows access to a BlockAttribute instance. |
IBlockDefinition | Allows access to a Block definition. |
IBlockInstance | Allows access to a Block instance. |
ICircle | Allows access to a Circle. |
ICircleArc | Allows access to an Arc. |
IColor | Allows access to LineColors, TextColors, and background Colors. |
IColorPicker | Allows access to the DraftSight color picker, which assigns LineColors to drawing entities directly, by Layer, or by Block. |
ICommand | Allows access to a command for the command window. |
ICommandMessage | Allows access to the command window. |
IContextMenuItem | Allows access to DraftSight default, object, and command context-sensitive menus. |
ICurvedSettings | Allows access to curved text settings. |
ICustomCoordinateSystem | Allows access to a custom coordinate system. |
ICustomCoordinateSystemManager | Allows access to the custom coordinate system manager. |
ICustomData | Allows access to custom data. |
ICustomPropertyControl | Allows access to a custom tab. |
IDgnDefinition | Allows access to a DGN image definition. |
IDgnReference | Allows access to a DGN image reference. |
IDiameterDimension | Allows access to a diameter Dimension. |
IDictionary | Allows access to the named-objects dictionary of a drawing. |
IDimensionStyle | Allows access to a DimensionStyle. |
IDimensionStyleAngularDimensionOptions | Allows access to an angular Dimension's DimensionStyle options. |
IDimensionStyleArrowsOptions | Allows access to arrow options of the DimensionStyle. |
IDimensionStyleDualDimensionOptions | Allows access to the DimensionStyle's dual Dimension options. |
IDimensionStyleFitOptions | Allows access to the fit options of the DimensionStyle. |
IDimensionStyleLinearDimensionOptions | Allows access to the linear Dimension options of the DimensionStyle. |
IDimensionStyleLineOptions | Allows access to the Dimension line options of the DimensionStyle. |
IDimensionStyleManager | Allows access to the DimensionStyle Manager. |
IDimensionStyleRadialDiameterDimensionOptions | Allows access to the radius or diameter Dimension options of the DimensionStyle. |
IDimensionStyleTextOptions | Allows access to the text options of a DimensionStyle. |
IDimensionStyleToleranceOptions | Allows access to the geometric tolerance options of a DimensionStyle. |
IDimensionStyleUserData | Allows access to the DimensionStyle of a specific Dimension, Leader, or geometric Tolerance entity. |
IDocument | Allows access to a document. |
IDocumentExporter | Allows access to the export feature, which saves the current view of a drawing to a vector or raster image format. |
IDrawingProperties | Allows access to the standard (i.e., author, keywords, title, and subject) and custom properties of a drawing document. |
IDrawingSupportFiles | Allows access to the options that get and set default paths and file names for these drawing-support files: alternate font, drawing, drawing template, external references, font mapping, library, LineStyle, and RichLineStyle. |
IDropData | Do not use. Allows access to QMIMEData that is transferred during drag and drop in DraftSight. |
IDSWindow | Allows access to the DraftSight application or document window. |
IDynamicBlockInstanceProperty | Allows access to a dynamic block instance property. |
IEllipseArc | Allows access to an Ellipse or an elliptical Arc. |
IEmbeddedObject | Allows access to an embedded object. |
IEntityHelper | Allows access to entities. |
IExportSettings | Allows access to options for exporting drawing models or sheets to PDF files. |
IExternalReference | Allows access to an external reference (e.g., referenced drawing). |
IExtrudedSurface | Allows access to an extruded surface. |
IExtrusion | Allows access to an extrusion. |
IFace | Allows access to a Face. |
IGeneralDimension | Allows access to a Dimension's custom data, text position, color, Layer name, LineStyle, visibility, etc. |
IGradientBackground | Allows access to a gradient background. |
IGroup | Allows access to an EntityGroup, which contains entities that have been combined into a group that you can manipulate in a single operation (e.g., moving, rotating, mirroring, or scaling). |
IHatch | Allows access to the Hatch in a drawing. |
IHatchBoundaryLoop | Allows access to the boundary edge data of a Hatch. |
IHatchPattern | Allows access to the Hatch pattern of a drawing. |
IHighlightSet | Allows access to a highlight selection set. |
IHyperLink | Allows access to a hyperlink. |
IImageBackground | Allows access to an image background. |
IImageDefinition | Allows access to a raster image definition. |
IInfiniteLine | Allows access to an InfiniteLine. |
IInterfaceFiles | Allows access to the DraftSight options that get and set default paths for these user-interface files: alias, custom icon, main customization, and custom menu. |
IJoggedDimension | Allows access to jogged Dimensions. |
ILayer | Allows access to a Layer. |
ILayerManager | Manages Layers. |
ILayerProperties | Allows access to the Layer properties of a Layer state. |
ILayerState | Allows access to Layer states. |
ILayerStateManager | Manages Layer states. |
ILeader | Allows access to a Leader. |
ILine | Allows access to a Line. |
ILineStyle | Allows access to a simple LineStyle. |
ILineStyleManager | Allows access to the LineStyle Manager. |
ILispFunction | Allows access to encrypted LISP files in DraftSight. Also allows creating and removing LISP functions that can be called from LISP. |
ILispParameter | Allows access to LISP parameters. |
ILoft | Allows access to a Loft. |
ILoftedSurface | Allows access to a lofted surface. |
IMacroManager | Allows access to the macro manager, which manages macro recording and which is available in DraftSight Premium only. |
IMathCircArc | Allows access to a mathematical circular Arc, which can be used for internal calculations only. |
IMathEllipArc | Allows access to a mathematical elliptical Arc, which can be used for internal calculations only. |
IMathLine | Allows access to a mathematical linear object (e.g., InfiniteLine, Ray, or bounded Line segment), which can be used for internal calculations only. |
IMathPlane | Allows access to a mathematical plane, which can be used for internal calculations only. |
IMathPoint | Allows access to mathematical point, which can be used for internal calculations only. |
IMathTransform | Allows access to 3D transformation matrix data. |
IMathUtility | Allows access to DraftSight mathematical objects. |
IMathVector | Allows access to 3D mathematical vectors. |
IMenuItem | Allows access to a menu item. |
IModel | Allows access to a model. |
IModelNamedView | Allows access to a model named view of a document. |
INamedView | Allows access to a named view. |
INote | Allows access to a Note. |
IOrdinateDimension | Allows access to an ordinate Dimension. |
IPdfDefinition | Allows access to a PDF image definition. |
IPdfReference | Allows access to a PDF image reference. |
IPoint | Allows access to a point. |
IPolyFaceMesh | Allows access to a polygon face mesh. |
IPolygonMesh | Allows access to a PolygonMesh. |
IPolyLine | Allows access to a 2D PolyLine. |
IPolyLine3D | Allows access to a 3D PolyLine. |
IPrintManager | Allows access to the printing interface. |
IPrintSpecification | Allows access to plot information. |
IRadialDimension | Allows access to a radius Dimension. |
IRay | Allows access to a Ray. |
IReferenceImage | Allows access to a raster Referenced image. |
IReferenceManager | Allows access to an unopened drawing file's nearest child external references. |
IRegion | Allows access to a Region. |
IRevolve | Allows access to a Revolve. |
IRevolvedSurface | Allows access to a revolved surface. |
IRibbonCommandButton | Allows access to a ribbon command button. |
IRibbonPanel | Allows access to a ribbon panel. |
IRibbonQuickAccessBar | Allows access to a ribbon quick access toolbar. |
IRibbonQuickAccessBarItem | Allows access to a ribbon quick access toolbar item. |
IRibbonRow | Allows access to a ribbon row. |
IRibbonRowItem | Allows access to items in a ribbon row. |
IRibbonRowPanel | Allows access to a ribbon row panel. |
IRibbonSeparator | Allows access to a ribbon separator. |
IRibbonSplitButton | Allows access to a ribbon split button. |
IRibbonSystemMenu | Allows access to a ribbon system menu. |
IRibbonSystemMenuItem | Allows access to a ribbon system menu item. |
IRibbonTab | Allows access to a ribbon tab. |
IRichLine | Allows access to the RichLine. |
IRichLineStyle | Allows access to a RichLineStyle. |
IRichLineStyleManager | Allows access to the RichLineStyle Manager. |
IRotatedDimension | Allows access to the rotated Dimension. |
ISelectionFilter | Allows access to the selection filter. |
ISelectionManager | Allows access to a selected entity. |
IShape | Allows access to a shape. |
IShapeManager | Allows access to the Shape Manager. |
ISheet | Allows access to a Sheet. |
ISheetNamedView | Allows access to a sheet named view of a document. |
ISimpleNote | Allows access to a SimpleNote. |
ISketchManager | Allows access to the sketch interface. |
ISolid | Allows access to a 2D Solid, which are solid filled planes that have straight line borders. |
ISolid3D | Allows access to a 3D solid. |
ISolidBackground | Allows access to the solid background of a model named view. |
ISpline | Allows access to a Spline. |
ISweep | Allows access to a Sweep. |
ISweptSurface | Allows access to a swept surface. |
ISystemFiles | Allows access to the DraftSight options that get and set system files. |
ITable | Allow access to a Table. |
ITableStyle | Allows access to a TableStyle. |
ITableStyleManager | Allows access to the TableStyle Manager. |
ITextStyle | Allows access to a TextStyle. |
ITextStyleManager | Allows access to the TextStyle Manager. |
ITolerance | Allows access to a geometric Tolerance. |
IToolbar | Allows access to a toolbar. |
IToolbarItem | Allows access to a toolbar item. |
ITrace | Allows access to a Trace, which is a 2D solid Line. |
ITracker | Allows access to a tracker, the mechanism that draws temporary entities along the cursor's path when prompting a user for a value, keyword, or selection. |
ITransparency | Allows access to transparency of entities on Layers. |
IUnknownEntity | Allows access to an unknown entity. |
IUserCommand | Allows access to a command created for a menu item or toolbar item. |
IViewManager | Allows access to the view manager. |
IViewport | Allows access to a Viewport in a Sheet. |
IViewTile | Allows access to a ViewTile in a model. |
IWorkspace | Allows access to a workspace of the DraftSight user interface. |
IXRecord | Allows access to a record, also called an XRecord, in a dictionary of a drawing. |