Performing Buckling Analysis

To perform buckling analysis:

  1. Create a buckling study. To access the Study dialog box, right-click the top icon in the Simulation study tree and select Study. Define the Properties of the study to set the number of modes. The first mode is associated with the lowest buckling load. The program calculates only the lowest mode by default.
  2. Define material for each solid, shell, and beam. To define a material for a solid, shell, or beam, right-click its icon in the Simulation study tree and select Apply/Edit Material. Note that density is a required material property.
  3. Define restraints. Right-click the Load/Restraint folder in the Simulation study tree and select Restraints. Apply adequate restraints to stabilize the model.
  4. Define loads. Right-click the Load/Restraints folder in the Simulation study tree and select the type of loading desired. You must define at least one load. Note that you can define thermal and fluid loading by right-clicking the study icon, selecting Properties, and clicking the Flow/Thermal Effects tab.
    For assemblies and multibody parts make sure to define the proper contact settings. Contact conditions other than free and bonded are not allowed in buckling studies.
  5. Mesh the model and run the study. Before running the study, you can use the Options dialog to request generating plots for all mode shapes automatically.
    If you run a study before meshing it, the program meshes the study automatically before running it. You can also request to run the study by checking Run analysis after meshing in the Mesh PropertyManager.
  6. View the results:
    • Double-click an icon in a results folder to display the associated plot.
    • Right-click the Results folder and select List Buckling Load Factors to list the requested number of buckling load factors.
    • To define a new plot, right-click the Results folder and select Define Displacement Plot or Define Deformation Plot. To animate a plot, double-click it first and then right-click its icon and select Animate.
    • To generate a report, right-click the Report folder and select Define.
Click here for more result viewing options.

When you run a study that does not have any result folders, the software creates the folders and plots specified in the Result Options for the study type. If result folders are present, the software updates the existing plots.