Connection Definition PropertyManager - References Tab

The References tab in the Connection Definition PropertyManager lets you create a connection element for a structure system from a part.

Placement Type

Generic Connection Places the connection element based on the face selection.
End Connection Places the connection element at the end.

Generic Connection

If you selected Generic Connection for the Placement Type, you can select the faces or planes to place the connection element.
Placement Reference Select Primary Reference and Secondary Reference.
Primary Reference Specifies the first face or plane.
Secondary Reference Specifies the second face or plane.
Mate Type Select Coincident, Concentric, or Parallel based on the Secondary Reference.
Tertiary Reference Specifies the third face or plane.
Mate Type Select Coincident, Concentric, or Parallel based on the Tertiary Reference.

Feature Propagation

You can select features such as extruded cuts, holes, advanced holes, patterns, and mirrors to propagate to the target part. However, if you created a hole based on the extruded boss feature, you cannot propagate the hole.

End Connection

If you selected End Connection for the Placement Type, you can select a face on which you want to insert the connection element.

Primary Reference Specifies a face. You cannot select reference planes as inputs.