
You can customize lists in the Inspection section of the Properties/Preferences PropertyManager to fit your company's requirements. On the Lists page, you can add, delete, modify, and import a .csv file to populate the lists.

To access this dialog box, click Home (ribbon) and click Options > Lists.

You can edit lists that are located in the Properties/Preferences PropertyManager, on the Characteristic tab, under Inspection:

  • Operations
  • Methods
  • Classifications
  • Custom fields (you can rename custom field labels)
  • User-Defined Sub-Types
List Source Displays the location of the .xml file that contains the list values. Click Open to navigate to an .xml file or Refresh to reset the list to its original values.
Lists Displays the lists whose values you can edit.
Values Displays values for the selected List.

You can add and remove values or import values from a .csv file .

User Defined Unit Displays the units for values in User-Defined Sub-Types lists.

You can add and remove units or import units from a .csv file .