Reusing Balloon Numbers

If you delete a balloon and you choose not to renumber the balloons, you can reuse a balloon number.

Reusing balloon numbers is the same as selecting Renumber remaining characteristics when you delete a characteristic.

To reuse balloon numbers:

  1. Right-click a characteristic and click Delete > Delete Balloon and Characteristics.
  2. In the dialog box, clear Renumber remaining characteristics and click .
  3. In the Table Manager, on the Characteristics tab, right-click a characteristic that you want to replace from the previous step and click Characteristic Number Reuse > Characteristic number.
    The number is reused in the order you captured the characteristics. All characteristics with numbers larger than the deleted or reused one are renumbered. The reused number is placed as though you chose to renumber the characteristics when you deleted the characteristic.
For example, if you have balloons numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and you:
  1. Delete the balloon for characteristic 4.
  2. In the dialog box, clear Renumber remaining characteristics and click .

    The characteristics are now numbered 1, 2, 3, 4.

  3. Capture a new characteristic for number 4.

    The characteristic has balloon 5.

  4. In the Table Manager, on the Characteristics tab, right-click the new characteristic and click Characteristic Number Reuse > 4.

    Balloon 5 changes to 4.