Using the OCR Editor

In the OCR Editor, you can open PDF or TIFF documents and manually select characters to add to custom dictionaries. You can define each letter, digit, and symbol in the dictionary.

Recommendation: Capture three to five iterations of the same character.

You can only capture characters that are vertically oriented. You cannot capture characters that are oriented at angles, such as 30°.

To use the OCR Editor:

  1. Click File > OCR Editor.
  2. In the OCR Editor, click Add Drawing and open a PDF or TIFF file.
    If the file has an existing dictionary, SOLIDWORKS Inspection asks if you want to load the existing dictionary with previously captured characters.
  3. Click Extract .
  4. In the document, box-select a character to define.
    The character appears in the Extraction PropertyManager and the Box Characteristics pane.
  5. In the Box Characteristics pane, for any cell that is red, enter a value for the character.
    The cells are highlighted in red until you assign a value and SOLIDWORKS Inspection can precisely adjust the captured zone in the Extraction pane.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for all characters you need to define.
  7. Click Save .
    You can save this as a new OCR dictionary (.traineddata) and use it for the current project or share it with other users. You can add the custom dictionary to a project in the OCR Project Options.