In this dialog box, you can add searches to the Favorites list on the Select flyout toolbar button. You can also import and export searches.
To open this dialog box:
Click the down-arrow on Select
(Standard toolbar) and click Advanced Select, or click . Then select the Manage Searches tab.
Searches you defined on the Define Search Criteria tab are listed in the table.
Add to Favorites |
Checks or clears all items in the list. You can also check and clear individual items.
For the following commands, click the numbered cell in the left column to highlight a search. Hold down Ctrl to highlight multiple searches.
Move Up and Move Down |
Moves the highlighted item up or down in the list. The order in which searches appear on this list controls the order in which they appear in Favorites.
Edit |
Switches to the Define Search Criteria tab and opens the highlighted search.
Delete |
Deletes the highlighted searches.
Import Searches |
Browses for saved searches. You can import searches saved as .xml files or legacy searches saved as .sqy files.
Export Search |
Saves the highlighted searches in an .xml file.