- Creating an Assembly from a Part
- Adding Components to an Assembly
When you place a component (either an individual part or a subassembly) in an assembly, the component file is linked to the assembly file. The component appears in the assembly; the component data remains in the source component file. Any changes you make to the component file update the assembly.
- Editing Assembly Components
From an assembly, you can open a component in a separate window to make changes. When you switch back to the assembly window, you rebuild the assembly to incorporate the changes.
- Deleting Components from an Assembly
- Selecting Components
In addition to the default selection method (clicking an entity in the graphics area or FeatureManager design tree), many other tools are available for selecting components in assemblies.
- Component Preview Window
You can view multiple components in the Component Preview window. You can use Synchronize
to synchronize the Component Preview window with the assembly window. You can change the display style of the selected components for the assembly window.
- Positioning Components in an Assembly
Once a component is in an assembly, you can move it, rotate it, or fix its location. This is useful for rough placement of the components in the assembly. You can then position the components precisely using mating relationships.
- Moving and Rotating Components
From the Move/Rotate Component PropertyManager, you can move and rotate components, add SmartMates, detect collisions and dynamic clearances, and see the motion of assembly components in a realistic way.
- Component Patterns
You can create patterns of components in assemblies in several ways.
- Mirroring Components
In an assembly, you can add components by mirroring existing components (parts or subassemblies). The new components can be a copy or an opposite-hand version of the seed components.
- Component Properties
- Renaming Components
You can change the file name of a component directly from the FeatureManager design tree. You can specify an alternate component name without changing the file name.