Opening Third-Party CAD Files in SOLIDWORKS

You can use the Open dialog box to open a third-party CAD file in SOLIDWORKS. When you open a third-party part, a new SOLIDWORKS part is created and the third-party file is inserted as a derived or a base part in it.

To open a third-party CAD file in SOLIDWORKS:

  1. Click File > Open.
  2. Optional: 3DEXPERIENCE Users: If the Open from 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box appears, click This PC.
  3. In the dialog box, in Files of type, select the third-party CAD file.
  4. Click Options.
  5. In the System Options dialog box, set options, including:
    Option Description
    File Format Sets the third-party CAD file format.
    Entities to Read From 3rd Party CAD Files Reads the selected items from the third-party CAD file:
    • Solid Body
    • Surface Body
    • Reference Plane
    • Reference Axis
    • Unconsumed Sketch(es) and Curves
    • Custom Properties
    • Material Properties
    Dissolve top-level assembly on open Dissolves the reference of the inserted assembly with the top-level assembly.

    When you open the assembly, the software creates a SOLIDWORKS assembly for the top-level assembly and inserts the components (parts and assemblies) as 3D Interconnect references.

    Ignore Hidden Entities Disregards the hidden entities.
    Import tool bodies from UG NX Imports tool bodies from Unigraphics and NX.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Open.