Surface Mesh Edit/Review (Mesh Triangles) PropertyManager

Mesh Triangles

Use these options to edit surface mesh elements.

Delete Deletes the selected triangle elements. Select one of the following:

Visible Elements

Selects only the visible elements in the selection window.

Through Elements

Selects visible and hidden elements in the selection window.

Use the Fill Hole tool to reconstruct deleted triangles.
Flip Normal Vector Reverses the normal vectors of the selected triangles. Use this tool to align the triangles normal vectors.
Fill Hole Available when there are holes in the mesh. Reconstructs missing triangle elements from existing mesh nodes. Select one of following:

Fill Hole

Fills a hole detected in the mesh with triangle elements. Click the boundary of the hole highlighted in red to fill it with new triangle elements.

Fill Partial

Fills a partial hole whose boundaries you define by selecting three nodes for: 1st Point, 2nd Point, and 3rd Point(Include Boundary).

Fill One Triangle

Creates one element at a time by connecting existing mesh nodes. Select from the surface mesh in the graphics area first node (1st Point), second node (2nd Point), and third node (3rd Point Include Boundary) of the new triangle element. You can continue adding more elements by selecting more nodes.

Refine Triangles

Refines the size of the triangle elements and fills in the hole with more elements.

Point Size

Controls the size of the mesh node symbol in the graphics area.

You are notified when there are no holes in the mesh.
Auto Fill Holes Available when there are holes in the mesh. The software fills all holes that are detected in the mesh automatically. Detected holes are highlighted in red in the graphics area.
Subdivide Refines the mesh by dividing the selected elements into smaller elements.

Visible Elements

Selects only the visible elements in the selection window.

Through Elements

Selects visible and invisible elements in the selection window.

Sub-division factor (density)

Select a number between 2 and 10 to subdivide the selected elements.


Divides the selected elements into smaller elements.

A subdivision factor of 2 is applied to the element highlighted in the image. The selected element is divided to four smaller elements. Notice that adjacent elements, even though are not selected, are also divided to maintain the node connectivity.