Other Assembly Techniques Contents Bills of Materials in Assembly Documents You can create bills of materials (BOMs) in assembly files. Adding Future Version Files as Components in an Assembly You can use parts and assemblies from the current release of the SOLIDWORKS software as components of an assembly in Service Pack 5 of the previous release. Joined Parts Assembly Envelopes An assembly envelope is a special type of assembly component. Envelopes have two main functions. You can use envelopes as reference components and as selection tools. Assembly Features While in an assembly, you can create features that affect component parts. Reorder and Roll Back in Assemblies Saving Component Instances as New Files You can save one or more component instances as a new file from within an assembly. The assembly points to the new file for the selected instances only. The other instances in the assembly point to the original file. Replace PropertyManager You can replace components in an assembly. Component Instance Numbering in Assemblies Purging Unused Features In parts and assemblies, you can selectively delete features and components that are suppressed in all configurations of the model. You can also selectively delete unused reference geometry and sketches that have no child references in the model. Assembly Visualization Assembly Visualization provides different ways to display and sort an assembly's components in a list and in the graphics area. Defeature You can use the Defeature tool to remove details from assemblies, multibody parts, and single-body parts. Flexible Components You can define a part component as flexible to drive the geometry of flexible components by the assembly geometry. Smart Components Smart Fasteners Overview Equations in Assemblies The equation syntax for references between assembly components loads automatically when you select dimensions, features, and global variables in the FeatureManager design tree, the graphics area, File Properties, and the Equations dialog box. Bounding Box in Assemblies You can create a bounding box feature in an assembly that contains geometry. The bounding box is calculated by using the same methods as the part-level bounding box. Bounding Box PropertyManager Parent topicAssemblies