You can add gussets to provide center-to-center reinforcement of cylinders.
To create a cylinder-to-cylinder gusset:
Click Gusset
(Weldments toolbar) or .
- In the PropertyManager, for Supporting Faces, select the faces of the cylinders between which you want to add the gusset.
In this example, the horizontal face is selected first.
A preview of the gusset appears in the graphics area with arrows showing the gusset direction.

- Under Profile, select a triangular
or polygonal
gusset profile and specify the profile distances.
- Optionally, click
to create a chamfer to allow room to create a weld bead under the gusset.
- Select where to apply the gusset thickness and set a value for the thickness.
- Optionally, reverse the gusset direction by clicking the handle in the preview when the pointer shows
Reverse Direction.
By default, the profile locates at the midpoint.