Managing TableStyles
You can create, modify, and delete TableStyles. You can also set a TableStyle as the active one.
To create TableStyles:
- Click Format > Table Style (or type TableStyle).
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens, and Table expands.
- Click New.
- In the Create new TableStyle dialog box, type a new name and click OK.
The new TableStyle appears in Style.
To modify TableStyles:
- Click Format > Table Style (or type TableStyle).
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens, and Table expands.
- In Filter, select an option:
- All styles. Lists all of the styles defined in the drawing.
- Styles in drawing. Lists only the styles that are referenced by Tables in the drawing.
- In Style, select a TableStyle.
- Under Cell style settings, in Contents, select the cell type to edit (Data, Head, or Title).
- Under Display, set:
- Background color: Sets the background color for the table.
- Align. Sets the justification and alignment of the text in the cells.
- Under Text, set:
- Color: Sets the text color.
- Style: Contains all TextStyles defined in the drawing. Click Display text styles
to define TextStyles for subsequent use.
- Height: Sets the text size.
- Under Borders, set:
- Color: Sets the border color.
- Weight: Sets the border weight.
- Apply to: Sets the specified Color and Weight to the border(s) you select.
- Under Cell settings:
- Type a value for the Horizontal and Vertical cell margins (in drawing units).
- In Table header orientation select an item to specify whether the table is generated downward or upward from the insertion point.
- The modifications will reflect in tables using that style.
To set a TableStyle as active:
- Click Format > Table Style (or type TableStyle).
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens, and Table expands.
- In Style, select a TableStyle.
- Click Activate.
displays beside the active TableStyle.
To rename TableStyles:
- Click Format > Table Style (or type TableStyle).
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens, and Table expands.
- In Style, select a TableStyle.
- Click Rename.
- In the Rename TableStyle dialog box, type a new name for the TableStyle.
- Click OK.
To delete TableStyles:
You can delete TableStyles if they are not referenced by a Table in the drawing.
You can also use the Clean command to remove unreferenced TableStyles.
You cannot delete the Standard style.
- Click Format > Table Style (or type TableStyle).
In the Options dialog box, the Drafting Styles page opens, and Table expands.
- In Style, select a TableStyle.
- Click Delete.
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Command: TableStyle
Menu: Format > Table Style
Ribbon: Annotate > Table > Table Style