Borrowing SolidNetWork Licenses

Always start the SolidNetWork License Manager from the Start menu. You must connect to the SolidNetWork License Manager to borrow the license.

These steps might vary depending on your system configuration. Consult Microsoft Windows documentation for additional instructions and options.
  1. Start SolidNetWork License Manager on the client machine by clicking Start > SOLIDWORKS Tools version > SolidNetWork License Manager Client version.
  2. On the License Borrowing tab:
    1. Select a date in Borrow until.
    2. Under Available product licenses, select the products to borrow and click Borrow.
    3. In the dialog box prompt, Select Product, select the product from the list, and click OK to confirm.
    4. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Refresh.
      The Borrow until column indicates when the licenses are due back.
  3. Click OK.

In the License Usage tab, you can also view the Total licenses, Free licenses, and Licenses used by the user, and Borrowed until dates.

Select Only use borrowed licenses (faster startup) if you are working remotely and your SOLIDWORKS applications are slow to open.

This option blocks queries to your license servers, which can be slow in some environments. The applications can start faster by omitting the queries, but only use the licenses you borrowed.

Restart your applications for this option to take effect.