Returning a Borrowed SolidNetWork License

Since a borrowed SolidNetWork license is removed from the pool of available licenses, that borrowed license must be returned for it to become available again.

  1. Start the SolidNetWork License Manager on the client machine by clicking Start > SOLIDWORKS Tools version > SolidNetWork License Manager Client version.
  2. On the License Borrowing tab:
    1. Under Borrowed product licenses, select the products to return, and click Return.
    2. Click Refresh. The Borrowed Until column becomes blank, indicating that the licenses are returned.
  3. Click OK.

In the License Usage tab, you can also view the number of Total licenses.

You do not need to return licenses after the expiration date. The license is returned to the pool on the SolidNetWork License Manager at midnight on the expiration date and the applications on the remote system no longer run.