
CircuitWorks options control many aspects of CircuitWorks behavior.

CircuitWorks stores user preferences in: C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\CircuitWorks\ecadopt.xml

CircuitWorks options are organized into groups:

General Set general CircuitWorks options.
IDF Import Define how CircuitWorks interprets IDF files.
IDF Export Control how CircuitWorks exports models out of SOLIDWORKS and back into CircuitWorks and how CircuitWorks writes IDF files.
PADS Import Define how CircuitWorks interprets PADS ASCII files.
PADS Export Define PADS ASCII file export options.
Prostep EDMD Enable Prostep EDMD file sharing and set communication options.
SOLIDWORKS Import Control how SOLIDWORKS builds and displays models.
SOLIDWORKS Export Control how assemblies are exported from SOLIDWORKS to CircuitWorks.
Models Control modeling behavior and define where CircuitWorks stores models.
Features Define the names and colors of newly created component models in SOLIDWORKS and the colors of the CircuitWorks preview image.
Warnings Set the threshold values at which CircuitWorks warns of potential build problems, and configure if CircuitWorks uses silhouette edges to determine component shapes during export.
Compare Set options for the Compare tool.
Library Control how CircuitWorks interacts with the Component Library.
Properties Adds standard and custom ECAD properties to SOLIDWORKS models.
PDM Set connection requirements for SOLIDWORKS PDM.
Prostep EDMD Enable Prostep EDMD file sharing and set communication options.
Database Select the database CircuitWorks uses for the Component Library.
Resources View system information about this release of CircuitWorks, such as version number and end-user license agreement.