- Yaw, Pitch, and Roll in Results
Orientation of one coordinate system relative to another is defined by a sequence of three successive rotations. Yaw, pitch, and roll define one such space-fixed rotation sequence. There are multiple ways to define this sequence.
- Euler Angle Results
Orientation of one coordinate system relative to another is defined by a sequence of three successive rotations. The three Euler angles define one such body-fixed rotation sequence.
- Bryant Angle Results
Orientation of one coordinate system relative to another is defined by a sequence of three successive rotations. The three Bryant angles define one such body-fixed rotation sequence.
- Plotting Rigid Body Orientation
You can plot the orientation of a moving part.
- Plotting Normalized Rodrigues Parameters
Rodrigues parameters specify the transformation of coordinates between a rotating frame and another reference frame. You can plot normalized Rodrigues parameters to specify the rotational orientation of a moving part.
- Plotting Projection Angles for Rotating Parts
You can plot projection angles to specify the rotational orientation of a moving part.
- Reflected Load Inertia and Reflected Load Mass
You can use reflected load information to help select an appropriately sized motor to withstand the load. For Motion Analysis studies, you can compute and plot reflected load results.