Axes Properties

To access the Axes properties:

  1. Click Motion Study Properties (MotionManager toolbar).
  2. In the Motion Study section, click Plot Defaults.
  3. In the dialog box, select the Axes tab.


X and Y Axis Specifies properties for the selected axis. When finished, click Save Page and select the other axis to specify its properties.

Y Axis Number

Enter the Y-axis to modify. You can use this option only if you display more than one plot on the same chart.

Available when you select the Y Axis.


Automatic Draws the axis with a black solid line with a line weight of 1.
None Does not draw the axis.
Custom Specifies the Style, Color, and Weight of the axis line.

Major and Minor tick mark type

None Does not display a tick mark.
Inside Starts the tick mark on the axis and extend inwards toward the center of the plot.
Outside Starts the tick mark on the axis and extend outwards away from the center of the plot.
Cross Starts the tick mark outside of the axis, crosses the axis, and finishes inside the axis.

Tick Mark labels

None Does not display labels along the axis.
Next Displays labels along the axis.
Show moving tick Displays a tick mark that moves along the curve as the animation is played back. Specify the properties of the moving tick by selecting the Marker tab.

Available when you select the Y Axis.