Large Assembly Settings

Large Assembly Settings is a collection of system settings that improves the performance of assemblies. You can turn on Large Assembly Settings at any time.

You specify Large Assembly Settings options on the Assemblies page in System Options.

To turn Large Assembly Settings on or off:

Click Large Assembly Settings (Assembly toolbar) or Tools > Large Assembly Settings.

When Large Assembly Settings is on, Large Assembly Settings appears on the status bar. The following options become unavailable (grayed out) on their respective System Options page or toolbar, and are automatically set as described below. When you turn off Large Assembly Settings, the options return to their previous settings.

System Options page or Toolbar Option Status when Large Assembly Settings is on
Drawings Options Show contents while dragging drawing view On. Only the view boundary shows while dragging a drawing view.
Display Style Options Display style for new views Hidden lines removed is set as the default display style for new views.
Edge quality for wireframe and hidden views Draft quality. Only minimum model information is loaded into memory. Some edges may appear to be missing, and print quality may be slightly degraded.
Display Options Dynamic highlight from graphics view Off. Model faces, edges, and vertices are not highlighted when you move the pointer over a sketch, model, or drawing.
Anti-aliasing Off. Jagged edges in Shaded With Edges, Wireframe, Hidden Lines Removed, and Hidden Lines Visible modes are not smoothed out.
Assembly transparency for in context edit Maintain assembly transparency. Components not being edited retain their individual transparency settings.
FeatureManager Options Dynamic highlight Off. The geometry in the graphics area (edges, faces, planes, and axes) is not highlighted when the pointer passes over the item in the FeatureManager design tree.
Performance Options Transparency Off.

High quality for normal view mode

Off. While the part or assembly is not moving or rotating, the transparency is high quality. When moved or rotated with the pan or rotate tools, the application switches to low-quality transparency, enabling you to rotate the model faster.

High quality for dynamic view mode

Off. High-quality transparency is retained while moving or rotating the model with the pan or rotate tools.

Curvature generation Only on demand. Initial curvature display is slower, but uses less memory.
Level of detail Minimum. The level of detail is minimal during dynamic view operations (zoom, pan, and rotate) in assemblies, multi-body parts, and draft views in drawings.
Check out-of-date lightweight components Don't Check. Loads assemblies without checking for out-of-date lightweight components.
Update mass properties while saving document Off. Does not recalculate the mass properties on save. The next time you access the mass properties, the system will need to recalculate them.
View Toolbar and menu Shadows in Shaded Mode Off.
RealView Graphics Off.