Creating a Coordinate System

To create a coordinate system:

  1. Click Coordinate System (Reference Geometry toolbar) or Insert > Reference Geometry > Coordinate System .
  2. Use the Coordinate System PropertyManager to create the coordinate system.
    You can amend your selections:
    • To change your selections, right-click in the graphics area and select Clear Selections.

    • To reverse the direction of an axis, click its Reverse Axis Direction button in the PropertyManager.
  3. Click .
    In the Save As dialog box, you can choose which coordinate system to save with a file. In the dialog box, in Output Coordinate System, specify the coordinate system to save. When you open the file, the new coordinate system is the origin.

    This functionality does not apply to parts or assemblies. It applies to the following file types:
    • 3D Manufacturing Format (*.3mf)
    • ACIS (*.sat)
    • Additive Manufacturing File (*.amf)
    • IFC 2x3 (*.ifc)
    • IFC 4 (*.ifc)
    • IGES (*.igs)
    • Parasolid (*.x_t;*.x_b)
    • STEP AP203 (*.step;*.stp)
    • STEP AP214 (*.step;*.stp)
    • STL (*.stl)
    • VDAFS (*.vda)
    • VRML (*.wrl)