Other File Formats

In addition to SOLIDWORKS .SLDPRT and .SLDASM files, SOLIDWORKS Visualize recognizes many other file types.

Format File Extensions Version Support for Tessellation Comments
3DEXPERIENCE (3D XML) *.3dxml 4.0 to 4.3 No SOLIDWORKS Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Dassault Systèmes .3DXML files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
3DEXPERIENCE (CATIA) *.CATPart, *.CATProduct, *.cgr V6 R2022x Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Dassault Systèmes CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE files, .CATPart, .CATProduct, and .CGR. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
Adobe® 3D PDF *.pdf Standard No (U3D-based only) Visualize recognizes 3D information in imported Adobe .PDF files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
ACIS *.sat 28 Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported .SAT files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
Autodesk® 3ds Max® *.3ds Standard No Visualize recognizes geometry information in imported Autodesk 3ds Max (.3DS) files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
Autodesk DWG/DXF *.dwg, *.dxf 2021 Yes Visualize recognizes 3D information in imported .DWG and .DXF files. All parts in the drawing result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
Autodesk DWF *.dwf, *.dwfx Standard No  
Autodesk® FBX® Scene *.fbx 2020.3.1 No Visualize recognizes model information in imported Autodesk .FBX files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.

The .FBX importer supports geometry animation that you can import, play back, and output.

If you import an .FBX file that contains an animation, the animation appears in the timeline, where you can play it and render it using the animated cameras imported from the source .FBX file.

Autodesk® Inventor® *.ipt, *.iam 2023 Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Autodesk Inventor .IPT and .IAM files from 2021 and earlier. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.

Tessellation control of the import is available.

Autodesk® Maya® Scene *.ma, *mb 2023 No Visualize can import Autodesk Maya (.MA, .MB) files automatically if you have an Autodesk Maya product installed and licensed 2008–2019.
Autodesk® Alias® Scene *.wire 2023 Yes Visualize can import .WIRE files automatically if you have an Autodesk Alias product installed 2008–2019. (Autodesk Alias was formerly known as Autodesk StudioTools.)
CATIA V4 *.model, *.exp, *.session 4.1.9 to 4.2.4 Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Dassault Systèmes CATIA V4 files, .model, .exp, and .session. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
CATIA V5 *.CATPart, *.CATProduct, *.cgr V5R8 to V5-6 R2022 Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Dassault Systèmes CATIA V5 files, .CATPart, .CATProduct, and .CGR. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
COLLADA® *.dae Standard SDK No Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported COLLADA (.dae) files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
GL Transmission Format (glTF) *.gltf, *.glb 2.0 No Support for Draco compression.
ICEM® Surf *.icem n/a Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Dassault Systèmes ICEM (.ICEM) files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
IGES Scene *igs, *iges Standard Yes When importing .IGES files, Visualize recognizes all layer information. These layers result from layer information in the original CAD file or the assembly structure. Each layer is imported as an individual appearance group. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) *.ifc, *.ifczip IFC2x3, IFC4 No  
Siemens PLM (JT) *.jt JT 8.x, 9.x, 10, 10.2, 10.3, and 10.5 Yes Visualize supports Siemens PLM .JT files.
Siemens NX® *.prt 11 - NX 2007 Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Siemens NX (.PRT) files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
OBJ *.obj Standard No Before exporting .OBJ files, you need to define the tessellation and appearances in the 3D modeling app.
  • Tessellation. When exporting .OBJ files from the source app, choose a tessellation that meets your needs. Close-ups in SOLIDWORKS Visualize look better at higher tessellation (more triangles for smoother surfaces) than more distant views. You must determine tessellation in the 3D modeling app you use to create the model. You cannot change the model tessellation after importing it into SOLIDWORKS Visualize.

    Fine tessellation increases the size of .OBJ files. Make sure that your computer has enough RAM and other resources to handle the preferred tessellation.

  • Appearances and textures. The .OBJ file format does not support a full scene graph, but it does maintain all appearance assignments, including textures. When importing an .OBJ file and its appearance files, ensure that all associated files stay together in the same folder. Visualize copies the model's textures into the Textures library during the import.

    All appearances in the .OBJ file are converted to appearance groupings in Visualize. All parts in the model that share the same appearance become a single appearance group in Visualize. You cannot alter imported appearance groups from within Visualize. You must assign appearances in the 3D modeling app before exporting to .OBJ.

    Visualize interprets imported appearance files – as well as texture maps, bump maps, or decals used in the model. You can edit the appearance parameters that result.

Parasolid® *.x_t, *.xmt_txt, *.x_b, *.xmt_bin 9.0 - 34.0.153 Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b) files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
PTC® Pro/ENGINEER® and Creo *.prt, *.prt.*, *.asm.* 16 - Creo 9.0 Yes Visualize supports a PTC Pro/ENGINEER add-in that lets you import models directly from Pro/ENGINEER. It also supports Creo 3.0 files.
Rhino *.3dm 7 No Before you import Rhino files (.3DM format, version 6 or earlier), ensure that your individual parts and appearance groups are on individual layers in Rhino. Visualize converts individual layers to different appearance groups. You also need to assign an appearance to all objects by layer.
SketchUp Scene *.skp 2022 No When importing SketchUp files (.SKP format, SketchUp 2020 or earlier), Visualize takes the geometry, color information, and textures. All textures are kept in a separate folder with the original SketchUp file in the original location.
Solid Edge® *.par, *.asm, *.psm V18 - SE 2022 Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported Solid Edge .PAR, .ASM, and .PSM files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
SOLIDWORKS Part *.SLDPRT Up to the same version as Visualize No  
SOLIDWORKS Assembly *.SLDASM Up to the same version as Visualize No  
STEP Scene *.stp, *.step Standard Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information inside imported .STEP files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
STL *.stl Standard No Visualize recognizes geometry information in imported STL (.STL) files. All individual colors or objects in the geometry result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
Universal 3D *.u3d Standard No Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported .U3D files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.
Universal Scene Description (USD) *.usdz Standard No  
VDA-FS *.vda 1.0 - 2.0 Yes Visualize recognizes assembly information in imported VDA-FS (.VDA) files. All parts in the assembly result in individual appearance groups. Visualize does not recognize original appearances.