SOLIDWORKS Visualize recognizes assembly and part information in imported SOLIDWORKS .SLDPRT and .SLDASM files. Each part in the assembly results in an individual appearance group.
When you import assembly files (.SLDASM), Visualize displays and renders all components, even if the individual part files (.SLDPRT) are missing.
Visualize imports all SOLIDWORKS assembly and component appearances.
- For Visualize to import textures, you need to have SOLIDWORKS installed.
- Visualize incorporates SOLIDWORKS appearance settings, such as color and reflections, into the Visualize appearances.
- Visualize supports all SOLIDWORKS appearance modes and parameters of textures,
mapping, surface
Visualize supports SOLIDWORKS scenes.
- Visualize imports SOLIDWORKS background images and their settings, and maps them to Visualize backplates. For Visualize to display SOLIDWORKS standard background images, you need to have SOLIDWORKS installed. The SOLIDWORKS option Stretch background image to fit SOLIDWORKS window is not supported.
- Visualize imports SOLIDWORKS environments and maps them to Visualize environments.
- Visualize imports the default scene as 3 Point Faded.
- Visualize supports all scenes and file types, including HDR image-based lighting.
- Visualize imports SOLIDWORKS physical lights as the same type and in the same location, but disabled and providing only a default brightness.
Visualize imports all SOLIDWORKS decal types (Projection, Label, Spherical, and Cylindrical).
- In Visualize, the decals appear on the model in the Viewport and in the Decals section of the Appearances tab
- Visualize does not support image color masks.
Visualize supports SOLIDWORKS lights, cameras, and motion studies.
- You can import multiple SOLIDWORKS motion studies for SOLIDWORKS parts and
assemblies. This is helpful because you:
- Do not have to reanimate the part or assembly in SOLIDWORKS
- Can use tools such as Mate Controller and
flexible subassemblies.
- Supported motion studies include rigid-body animations,
camera animations, and appearance animations.
- For motion studies, specify Automatic part grouping during the import process.
- If you export motion studies from SOLIDWORKS using the
SOLIDWORKS Visualize Add-in, select Export
Advanced, which uses Automatic part grouping.