Tool Selection - Tool Crib Priority

SOLIDWORKS CAM has better tool selection logic when you select Tool crib priority in the Technology Database (TechDB).

SOLIDWORKS CAM has optimized tool selection logic so appropriate tools are available in the active tool crib:
  • If the tool assigned in the TechDB for a specific operation is not in the active tool crib, SOLIDWORKS CAM adds it to the tool crib even though smaller tools might be in the active tool crib. (If you selected a tool by referencing it to a specific Machine ID in the TechDB.) If another tool with similar parameters is in the active tool crib, SOLIDWORKS CAM uses that tool.
  • If you specify that the resultant tool derived from the expressions defined in the TechDB as inactive, SOLIDWORKS CAM does not add it to the active tool crib. It uses the subsequent tool selection rules to add an active tool to the tool crib.