SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D - Exercise 1

In this exercise, you update a 3D assembly for compatibility with the SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D processes for cabinet layouts and routing. A wizard helps you manage the cable and wire connection points, define the faces, and assign mate references.

First, download the Exercise 1 electrical project, unzip it to a local drive, then unarchive it.

Defining the Faces and Rail Mates

  1. In SOLIDWORKS, click File > Open and browse to EW4SW_Exercise01.proj\Projects\2\SolidWorks\lc1d1210b7_ew.SLDPRT.
  2. Click Tools > SOLIDWORKS Electrical > Electrical Component Wizard to start the Routing Component Wizard.
  3. On the Mate Reference tab, under Component Alignment Options, click Define Faces.
  4. In the Define all the faces of the component PropertyManager, for each of the four selection zones, click the corresponding face of the component, then click to define the faces. See the video for details.
  5. In the Routing Component Wizard, define the rail mates:
    1. On the Mate Reference tab, under Reference Name, click For Rail and for Optional Mate Reference, click Add.
    2. In the Create mate reference PropertyManager, for Top face of the rail, select the face shown.

    3. For Front face of rail, select the face shown.

  6. Click to define the rail mate references.
  7. Click Save & Finish.

    Keep the Routing Component Wizard open for the next task where you create connection points.

Creating the Connection Points

  1. In the Routing Component Wizard, on the Routing Functionality Points tab, under CPoint Type, select CPoint from Manufacturer part and click Add.
  2. In the CPoint from Manufacturer Part PropertyManager, under Selected Manufacturer Part, click Browse.
  3. In the Manufacturer part selection dialog box:
    1. On the Filters tab, under Manufacturer part, for Manufacturer, specify Schneider Electric.
    2. For Reference, enter lc1d12.
    3. Under Classification, for In the class, click Any class.
    4. Click Search .

      The system finds the required component.

    5. Click the component and click Select.

      In the PropertyManager, Terminal List is populated but the CPoints are not assigned yet.

  4. Click to pin the PropertyManager open.
  5. Under Terminal List, select the first item under Mark, then select the corresponding component terminal entity in the graphics area.

    The selection appears under Selected Entity. Under CPoint Name, the list displays the selected entity.

  6. Click .

    Under CPoint Name, the list displays the selected entity.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create all the connection points.

  8. Close the PropertyManager, then close the wizard and save the file in the SOLIDWORKS folder of the electrical project.

    You use this part again in Exercise 2.