SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic - Exercise 3

In this exercise, you learn how to manage electrical project locations and design the line diagram of an electrical installation.

This exercise is based on the electrical project that you created in Exercise 2. If you did not complete it, you can download this electrical project file and unarchive it in SOLIDWORKS Electrical.

Managing Locations

First, edit the existing L1 location to complete it.

  1. In the Components panel, right-click L1 - Main electrical closet and click Properties .
  2. In the Location properties dialog box, for Description (English), type TGBT as the description of the L1 location.
  3. Repeat step 2 for Description (French) and click OK.
Next, add three more electrical project locations:
Location Description
L2 Motor room
L3 Control panel
BJ Junction box
  1. Click Electrical Project > Locations .
  2. In the Location management dialog box, click the top-level Training node, and click New location .
  3. In the Location properties dialog box, for Description (English), type Motor room and click OK.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the L3 location, type Control panel for Description (English).
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the L4 location. Change the mark and add the description by doing the following:
    1. On the Properties tab, under Mark > Mode, click Manual.
    2. For Mark, type BJ.
    3. For Description (English), type Junction box.
  6. In the Location management dialog box, click Close.

Creating a Wiring Line Diagram

  1. Download Appendix3a.pdf.
  2. On the Pages panel, right-click 02 - Wiring line diagram and click Open (or double-click 02 - Wiring line diagram).

Next, insert the motors M1 and M2 without drawing the location outline (which you insert later).

  1. Click Line diagram > Insert symbol .
    SOLIDWORKS Electrical uses the last symbol inserted. When you first use Insert Symbol, the library may open directly. If it does not, click Other symbol in the Command panel.
  2. In the Symbol selector dialog box, on the Classification tab, select Motors.
  3. Select the leftmost (blue) Motor symbol and click Select.

    The symbol is attached to the pointer.

  4. Click near the top of column 9 in the 02 - Wiring line diagram drawing to place the symbol.

    The mark M1 is suggested in the Symbol properties dialog box, as it is the first symbol inserted from the Motor class.

  5. In the Symbol properties dialog box, on the Edit symbol tab, in Location, click .
  6. On the left of the Select location dialog box, select the L2 - Motor room and click Select, then click OK.
  7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 to add a second motor, M2, below the first.

    This time, in the Command panel, on the Symbol insertion tab, you can drag the motor symbol directly from Specify the symbol to insert.

The mark shows the location mark. The component location is different from the drawing location.

Next, place the L3 - Control panel location outline, and insert the H1 and H2 indicators with the Symbols palette. (Note the impact on the marking.)

  1. Click Line diagram > Location outline .
    Location outline contains options (the arrow displayed in the icon). If you click the upper part of the icon, you open the tool without using the options. If you click the lower part of the icon, the options appear.
  2. Draw a rectangular location outline in the 02 - Wiring line diagram drawing below the two motors to define the diagonal of the rectangle.
  3. On the left of the Select location dialog box, click L3 - Control Panel and click Select.
  4. Click View > Symbol palette .
  5. In the Symbols palette, click Find, type Indicator in the search field, and click Find.
  6. Drag the leftmost (red) symbol into the 02 - Wiring line diagram drawing.

    You can also double-click the symbol. Unlike motors, indicators are inserted inside a location outline. SOLIDWORKS Electrical automatically suggests the location L3 - Control Panel in the Symbol properties dialog box.

  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat step 6 to insert the second (rightmost, green) indicator (H2) below the first one.
  9. Insert other symbols, location outlines, and cables.
    • To draw a polyline outline, click to create each point in the outline. Close the outline to finish.
    • To draw a cable, click Line diagram > Draw cable, then click to locate each point in the cable path. End points on the symbol outline are green and indicate the connection. Use the Command panel to select the line/cable type.

Reserving Cables

You use 4G-type cables to wire the M1 and M2 motors. Use a cable with at least 7 cores to connect the XA2 terminal strip to the indicators.

  1. In the 02 - Wiring line diagram drawing, right-click the topmost wire and click Reserve cables and cores .
  2. In the Cables and cores reservation dialog box, click Training and click New cable .
  3. In the Cable reference selection dialog box, on the Filters tab, under Characteristics > Conductor number, select 4G.
  4. On the right side of the dialog box, click 1000 R2V-RH 4G16, click Add ([+]), and then click Select.

    The new cable appears as W1 in the Cables and cores reservation dialog box.

  5. Expand the W1 node to see the individual wires within it, then select W1 to include all the wires, and click OK.
  6. Repeat the pattern of steps 1 through 5 five more times to reserve cables for the other wires in the drawing.

    For the last three cables, you can select from the unfiltered list in the Cable reference selection dialog box, or you can filter using 7 as the Conductor number (for W4) and 2 as the Conductor number (for W5 and W6).

The mark and reference of each cable appears on the line diagram drawing. You can right-click a cable and click Show/Hide cable text to control the display of this information.

Viewing the Cable List

  1. Click Electrical Project > Reports .
  2. In the Report management dialog box, click List of the cables to select that report.

    The list of cables appears on the right side.

  3. Click Close.

The Report management dialog box displays an updated list of all the changes that you made in the electrical project.