SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic - Exercise 12

In this exercise, you learn how to create a new title block from an existing title block. You can edit the new title block to change its properties and graphics.

For reference while following this exercise, open, or download and print this PDF document.

Creating a New Title Block

Create a new title block named Training based on the A3 format (10 columns, Titles in English) title block.
  1. Click Library > Title block management .
  2. In Title block management (ISO 216 - A3 - English), select TR_FDP_BASEA3CA_EN.
  3. Use the Copy and Paste tools to make a copy of the title block.
  4. Select the new title block and click Properties to change its name.

Editing the Title Block

  1. Select the Training title block and click Open .
    Use a scale factor of 0.707 to change to the A4 format.
  2. Click Modify > Scale to change the scale.

    The base point must be at the (0,0) coordinate.

  3. Delete all the attributes in the title block except for the revision table.
    The new title block should allow the propagation of:
    • Customer name
    • Project contract number
    • Description - line 1 of the electrical project
    • Translatable data #4 of the electrical project
    • Book mark
    • Book description
    • Drawn by
    • Date
    • Description of the location of the drawing
  4. Click Edit title block > Insert attribute to insert the attributes.

    You can also right-click an attribute and select Replace attribute.

  5. From the list, select the attributes to insert.
  6. Right-click an attribute inserted in the title block and select Properties to modify the style such as the font, size, justification, or color.
  7. Do not change the language of an attribute that propagates items with translatable data.
    Replace the characters L1 with the language code, for example, EN for English.
    The location description data is associated with attribute #FOLIO_LOC_TZ_0_L1. To keep the data in English, if the electrical project language changes, modify the attribute to #FOLIO_LOC_TZ_0_EN.
  8. Modify the graphics of the columns to create eight columns across the width of the title block.
  9. Place the attributes propagating the number of the column.

Title Block Properties

Update the title block properties from the A3 to A4 format.
  1. In Title block management, select the Training title block and click Properties.
  2. Enter the properties as shown:

Checking the Title Block

  1. Create a new electrical project that uses this title block.
  2. Enter the required information in the different levels of the electrical project.
  3. Create a scheme using the cross-references that comply with Appendix 12.