Working with Electrical Projects This section explains working with electrical projects. Contents Electrical Project Management You can access Electrical Project Management from the Home tab. Managing Electrical Project Settings This topic explains the electrical project settings. Unarchiving an Electrical Project You can restore a previously archived electrical project. Creating a New Electrical Project You can create a new electrical project from a template. This template contains all the elements that you need in the electrical project, such as drawings, locations, or configuration parameters. Creating a Project Template A project template contains all the elements (such as drawings or configurations) that were used to create the electrical project. When creating a new electrical project with this project template, you will find all the content in the project template. Duplicating an Electrical Project You can create a copy of an existing electrical project. All the elements of the electrical project are duplicated. Opening an Electrical Project You can open an existing electrical project to view its details. Setting an Electrical Project as Current The current electrical project is the one you are using. It displays in bold in the dockable panel and in Electrical project management. Closing an Electrical Project You can close an open electrical project. Electrical Project Properties You can access and view the properties of the selected electrical project. You can display the input data in the title block. Electrical Project Viewer The Electrical project viewer is a tool allowing you to visualize SOLIDWORKS Electrical electrical projects. It is available from the Electrical project management or Add-ins. Archiving an Electrical Project In the Archive button, you can find two commands. The first allows you to archive the selects electrical project without archive options. The second opens a wizard allowing you to define the archive options. Deleting an Electrical Project You can delete an electrical project and all elements constituting it. Filtering Electrical Projects You can filter the electrical projects. Electrical Projects and the PDM SOLIDWORKS Electrical allows you to connect to your document management system, also known as a PDM. Two management modes are available, depending on your environment (your company-specific PDM, or SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional). Managing Books and Folders This section describes managing books and folders. Parent topicSOLIDWORKS Electrical