Export DWG Files

From the menu, click View > Export DWG Files.

A dialog box opens allowing you to select a directory in which the DWG files will be generated.

The drawings are exported in a tree structure, which reflects the way the electrical project is structured, and are just as they are seen in the dockable panel.

Base folder path: Allows you to select the directory into which drawings will be exported.

Formula for folder name: The name of the main directory to be formatted using the Formula management.

Formula for file name: Allows you to format the name of files generated using the Formula management.

Open folder after exporting: When this option is selected, at the end of the export process a file explorer opens in the base directory defined above.

Export all drawings to a single file: Allows all drawings selected for export to be grouped together in one file. Each drawing is placed in a DWG presentation mode (Paper space).

Format and version: Allows you to select the format of generated files (DXF or DWG) as well as the file version.

Drawings to export: Allows you to select the drawings that are to be exported. The [...] button opens the drawing selector; the All option selects all drawings of the electrical project.